Lemuria and Atlantis: Studying the Past to Survive the Future
Once again, Shirley Andrews combines information from scholars, scientists and the respected psychic Edgar Cayce to provide us with details of life in the distant past. The mysterious civilizations of Lemuria and Atlantis become reality as Shirley offers answers to numerous questions about the lost lands.
Where was Lemuria? When was it there? What were the people like? Was Atlantis in the Caribbean? Why did my obstetrician say that since I have O negative blood my ancestors might have come from Atlantis? Who or what were the “things”? How did Lemurians and Atlanteans use crystals for healing? Were all Atlanteans selfish and corrupt? Were there other nations at the time of Lemuria and Atlantis? What really happened to Lemuria and Atlantis? Is there any way to prevent our society from going the way of advanced civilizations in the past? Is anyone finding evidence of Lemuria and Atlantis now?
You will find answers to these questions and many more in Andrews’ compelling new book.
Critical Acclaim
Insights from the book
Lemuria: Its Land and People
When the people of Mu had accomplished what they thought was expected of them in this life, they were capable of leaving their bodies and making the transition to the spirit world…
Knowledge vs. Wisdom
Actually all Atlanteans had highly developed psychic skills. Edgar Cayce describes them as a “thought people, those of an intuitive influence”. This description also applies to the Lemurians…
From traveling there he realized that about 10,000 BC when there was a global catastrophe, flood water poured in & uncovered the area with a deep layer of rocks, stones,& boulders and it became the Gobi desert…
Easter Island is only 7miles wide and ll miles long – too tiny to support a population to build these statues and their platforms. Natives told first Europeans they believe their island was…
Spence states that from his research he believes Lemuria was several large islands in the Pacific and one was adoining Peru. It’s always exciting for me when…
Col. James Churchward
Edgar Cayce mentioned Lemuria in 45 Readings but when he was asked for details he usually replied: ”If you want to learn about Mu or Lemuria consult Churchward .” Colonel James Churchward (1851-1936) was a British engineer who had studied at Oxford. As a soldier…