About the Author

Shirley Andrews

She brings us a relevant message with her books offering help for the problems of our world today. “Family and community rituals and respect for the environment were the foundations of Lemurian and Atlantean societies.” When the Atlantean civilization matured, materialism and lust superceded respect for nature, for each other, and for the one all-powerful spiritual being. Negative energy increased and the country was eventually ravaged.

As long as we inhabit this planet we have control of our immediate destinies. In the past, when people released negative energy with hate, sin, and crime, they contributed to their own destruction. If we, the citizens of the advanced nations, follow the examples of the long-lived civilizations of Lemuria and Atlantis and simplify our lives, place increased emphasis on love, compassion and alignment with nature. . .the human race will survive.

Lemuria and Atlantis are deeply imbedded in the human psyche.

Please share your past experiences in Atlantis and Lemuria with Shirley.

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Shirley Andrews

Rejuvination in Atlantis

Edgar Cayce tells us that the ingenious Atlanteans used crystals to burn destructive forces from the body in a way that encouraged it to rejuvenate itself…

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Shirley Andrews

Cave Paintings

A favorable climate offered Atlanteans the opportunity to live without an intense daily struggle for food and shelter and some were able to focus on aesthetic occupations like art and music. Since the ocean was about 350 feet lower than to day it was possible to walk across…

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Shirley Andrews

When and Where Was Atlantis?

The Atlantic Ridge is a mountainous section of the ocean floor running north-south in the center of the Atlantic Ocean. It lies at the intersection

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Shirley Andrews

What Was It Like in Atlantis?

The country was lovely, in spite of the instability caused by earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. The volcanic soil was rich and nourishing and there was

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