Insights & Articles
As you explore you will find information derived from “Lemuria and Atlantis: Studying the Past to Survive the Future” and “Atlantis: Insights from a Lost Civilization” Shirley Andrews combines knowledge from scholars ranging from Plato to Zecharia Sitchin with that from Edgar Cayce to describe the lost lands and people of Lemuria (or Mu) and Atlantis. Topics such as Atlantis in the Caribbean, vibrational healing methods, human-animal hybrids known as “Things,” the crystal skull, the influence of extraterrestrials in prehistory, other civilizations in prehistory, disturbing parallels between the spiritual decay of Atlantis and our modern world, and earth changes are included in these books.
All the information is footnoted. There are over 100 books in the bibliography with bios for the authors of the main sources.
Rejuvination in Atlantis
Edgar Cayce tells us that the ingenious Atlanteans used crystals to burn destructive forces from the body in a way that encouraged it to rejuvenate itself…
Cave Paintings
A favorable climate offered Atlanteans the opportunity to live without an intense daily struggle for food and shelter and some were able to focus on aesthetic occupations like art and music. Since the ocean was about 350 feet lower than to day it was possible to walk across…
How did I become interested in Atlantis?
It all started when I was very young. As a child, for some reason, I was SURE there was a land in the Atlantic Ocean
When and Where Was Atlantis?
The Atlantic Ridge is a mountainous section of the ocean floor running north-south in the center of the Atlantic Ocean. It lies at the intersection
What Was It Like in Atlantis?
The country was lovely, in spite of the instability caused by earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. The volcanic soil was rich and nourishing and there was
Who Lived in Atlantis So Long Ago?
The people who lived in Atlantis were basically very similar to us. Just as intelligent, they laughed, loved and grew angry, although they had more
How Did Plato Learn About Atlantis?
Plato describes in detail how he first learned about Atlantis from a variety of friends and relatives. For the rest of his life, fascinated by
What Were the People Like?
Atlanteans had the characteristics of survivors because of the natural catastrophes their ancestors overcame to stay alive in the unstable country. They had highly developed
Gods From the Sky to Atlantis
Planets surround more than one-half of the 100 billion or more known stars in this galaxy. Using powerful telescopes scientists are constantly increasing these numbers for
The Atlanteans believed in immortality but it was important to preserve some components of the human body to provide a framework for the afterlife. All around the Atlantic Ocean bodies are found…
Col. James Churchward
Edgar Cayce mentioned Lemuria in 45 Readings but when he was asked for details he usually replied: ”If you want to learn about Mu or Lemuria consult Churchward .” Colonel James Churchward (1851-1936) was a British engineer who had studied at Oxford. As a soldier…
Spence states that from his research he believes Lemuria was several large islands in the Pacific and one was adoining Peru. It’s always exciting for me when…
Easter Island is only 7miles wide and ll miles long – too tiny to support a population to build these statues and their platforms. Natives told first Europeans they believe their island was…
From traveling there he realized that about 10,000 BC when there was a global catastrophe, flood water poured in & uncovered the area with a deep layer of rocks, stones,& boulders and it became the Gobi desert…
Bird Serpent War
Archeologist and anthropologist, Lucille Taylor Hansen spent years studying Native Americans trying to trace their history back to their roots. She gradually gained the confidence of some of the chiefs and they disclosed information to her which had long been kept secret…
Contacts between the civilizations of Atlantis and Lemuria
I realized the Amazon River Delta could have been this large when I flew over parts of it in a single engine plane on my way to the Pantanal – an area in north western Brazil. It’s very flat, surrounded by…
Knowledge vs. Wisdom
Actually all Atlanteans had highly developed psychic skills. Edgar Cayce describes them as a “thought people, those of an intuitive influence”. This description also applies to the Lemurians…
Lemuria: Its Land and People
When the people of Mu had accomplished what they thought was expected of them in this life, they were capable of leaving their bodies and making the transition to the spirit world…
We Will Survive
Edgar Cayce often refers to former Atlantean souls who are incarnated on Earth. Many of them are here at this time to atone for their errant behavior in the past. Others wish to continue…
Healing with Crystals in Atlantis
Crystals can’t create energy but they can enhance it and transmit it. If a crystal is correctly cut and used, it can have millions of vibrations per second. When subjected to the proper sounds…
Lessons for our Day
Thoughts are energy and this energy moves outward in wave patterns. Every person sends out energy like a radio transmitter. The energy of thoughts can be powerful. We know that thoughts…
My Spiritual Awakening
As a young child I KNEW the name Atlantis. Like a powerful chord sounding within a beautiful musical composition it sent shivers up and down my spine. Atlantis was always with me and…
Atlantis in the Caribbean
In 1968 airplane pilots sighted what appeared to be cut stone blocks and columns in the ocean north of Andros Island, about 50 miles to the west of Nassau in the Bahamas…