It all started when I was very young. As a child, for some reason, I was SURE there was a land in the Atlantic Ocean called Atlantis. I can remember my Mother telling me I was wrong, and finally getting out a map and showing me there was no such place. I didn’t forget it and I was always interested in anything to do with prehistory – the times long ago from which any recorded information has disappeared. I became convinced that devastating floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, Ice Ages, comets, and asteroids destroyed at least one advanced civilization in the past, as well as many species of plants and animals.
After raising five children and a career as a professional teacher, I turned to researching about Atlantis in earnest. I was impressed by the caliber of the people whose works I read and delighted to find so many who supported my childhood intuition. Of course, the first was Plato’s detailed extensive description of the lost civilization. It’s so beautifully written, and the fact that he referred to the “continent beyond”, or the American continent, really impressed me.
Ever since Plato wrote about Atlantis in about 350 B.C., innumerable scholars have investigated his sources and the information. I discovered hundreds of books written about the vanished land. Studying at the British Museum Library in London, I learned that scientists and scholars who focus on Atlantis are highly respected by their peers.
Thank you for visiting my blog. For more information on Atlantis and what this lost civilization was like, please consider reading my book, Atlantis: Insights From A Lost Civilization. Thanks again and be sure to leave a comment below on your thoughts!”